Breaking the Cycle & BTC Pregnancy Outreach Program
Prenatal to 6 years old
A one-stop wrap-around program serving pregnant and parenting women who are struggling with substance use, and their young children (birth – 6 years).
Are you pregnant or parenting a young child and struggling with use of alcohol and/or other drugs? Are you feeling:
- Overwhelmed
- Frustrated
- Lonely
- Worried about your child
- Worried about yourself
You can find help for yourself and your children at Breaking the Cycle.
Our staff are very experienced.:
- We listen
- We understand
- We care
- We welcome you and your children
We serve women:
- Who are pregnant and/or parenting at least one child under the age of 6 years, and
- Who are experiencing problems of substance use or recovery, and
- Who want support around their substance use or recovery.
The BTC Pregnancy Outreach Program serves pregnant women with substance use problems who are homeless or unstably housed. Our pregnancy outreach worker will meet you where you are, provide information and resources (food vouchers, Presto cards), and help you access the services and care you need and want.
To reach a Pregnancy Outreach Worker, call 416-364-7373 or email btcycle@mothercraft.org
Individual Addiction Counselling. Addiction counselling is delivered to all women at BTC using a trauma-informed approach that recognizes the underlying reasons for substance use among women. Referrals for trauma or mental health can be facilitated, if desired.
Relapse Prevention Group. Offered to women who are in the early stages of their recovery, this group helps women develop strategies to manage cravings and other pressures to use substances.
Life Skills Group. Structured lessons to help mothers to learn problem-solving behaviours and skills to be successful while in recovery from substance use. Topics include: building trust, expressing feelings, anger management, building self-esteem, creating supports.
Connections Group. This group helps women think about the impact of interpersonal violence on child development, parenting and substance use recovery.
New Mom’s Support Group. This weekly mother-infant group is devoted to pre-and postnatal education and support. It is for soon-to-be moms and new moms who want to know more about parenting and caring for their new infant. The group covers topics such as attachment and bonding, play, nutrition, infant massage and more.
Parent-Child Mother Goose Program. This program helps mothers and their children connect, have fun and learn together through songs, rhymes, and stories.
Mothercraft Learning Through Play Group. This weekly parenting group for mothers and their children older than 6 months helps children grow and develop through play-based activities. Mothers learn about developmental milestones and practice age-appropriate play activities with their children.
Make the Connection Group. This group uses videotaping to help promote a healthy mother-child relationship by teaching better communication skills and infant led learning.
Circle of Security. This 8-week parenting group helps parents: understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs; support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions; enhance the development of their child’s self-esteem; honour the innate wisdom and desire for their child to be secure.
Developmental Screening and Assessment. Regular developmental screening and annual standardized assessments help us provide interventions that promote each child’s development so they can reach their full potential.
FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Clinic. Children enrolled at BTC can access the on-site FASD Assessment and Diagnostic Clinic. Assessments for children with prenatal alcohol or other substances exposure can help mothers support their children’s development.
Home Visiting. Participants at BTC receive a regular home visit to help parents support their young children’s developmental needs and well-being. Home visitors help parents develop a positive and secure relationship with their children, and enhance overall child well-being through information, resources, and play activities. Home visitors answer questions, leave toys and activities that parents can use with their children between visits, and make sure families and young children have access to services they need.
Childcare is provided for mothers who are attending counselling, groups or other activities at BTC. Children are cared for by registered early childhood educators who provide a nurturing, stimulating and structured environment. Children enjoy playing with their peers/friends, and individualized developmental programs are delivered for each child based on developmental screening and assessment.
Medical Care. BTC works closely with its medical partners to help women who require general health care, addiction medicine care, and prenatal care.
Breakfast and Lunch Program: We offer daily breakfast and lunch to participants at BTC Centre. A small food bank is also available for program participants.
Transportation: We provide Presto cards for participants to travel to and from BTC.
Clothing Bank: We provide gently used clothing for pregnant women, mothers, and infants and children of all ages are available.
BTC is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) and Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP), and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS). BTC is delivered in partnership with the following agencies:
For more information about Breaking the Cycle, or to make a referral or an appointment, please call 416-364-7373 or email btcycle@mothercraft.org.